Explosion Statement

To develop a feel for what children's literature is it is essential to dive into the pages. As my interest in childhood literacy grows the more I keep hearing about how guys can't read, or don't like to read, or don't like to admit they read. I was shocked. I'm a guy...and I LOVE to read. Obviously I needed to investigate some interesting books and resources for when I encounter reluctant readers. However, I did not want to neglect the population of children who aren't male, reluctant readers. So, I not only read books for boys, I read books for girls, books for minorities, some old books, lots of new books, books that looked good, and books that looked bad.

It is a collection in its infancy, but it is a good sample of the massive variety of material that is out there just waiting to teach, inspire and entertain. The only time I am a reluctant reader is when i have to stop.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fairy Tale: Truly Grim Tales

Galloway, P. (1995). Truly Grim Tales. Toronto: Lester Publishing.

Priscella Galloway retells eight of the Grimm’s fairy tales under extremely different lenses. The stories are rearranged to be so different from the original versions one is left in the dark sometimes until the final page. The stories also occur in landscapes different than the one described in Grimm’s world. There is a land where people suffer from a disease cured only by a compound found in the bones of a nearby pigmy tribe (this is a revamped Jack and the Beanstalk), or where animals have become gargantuan as a side effect of atomic war (an SF retelling of Little Red Riding Hood). This book is a really interesting read and unlike the original, moralistic Grimm’s tales, these ones have no clear-cut hero and villain and the reader is forced to see things from very fresh perspectives. As the title suggests these tales often do not have a happy ending and are probably better suited for those who are familiar with the brother's Grimm and are nearing the double digits in age.

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