Explosion Statement

To develop a feel for what children's literature is it is essential to dive into the pages. As my interest in childhood literacy grows the more I keep hearing about how guys can't read, or don't like to read, or don't like to admit they read. I was shocked. I'm a guy...and I LOVE to read. Obviously I needed to investigate some interesting books and resources for when I encounter reluctant readers. However, I did not want to neglect the population of children who aren't male, reluctant readers. So, I not only read books for boys, I read books for girls, books for minorities, some old books, lots of new books, books that looked good, and books that looked bad.

It is a collection in its infancy, but it is a good sample of the massive variety of material that is out there just waiting to teach, inspire and entertain. The only time I am a reluctant reader is when i have to stop.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Picture Book: In the Night Kitchen

Sendak, M.(1970).In the Night Kitchen. U.S.A.: Harper & Row Publishing.

This book has endured its fair share of controversy since its initial publication. This is due to Christian outrage over Mickey's accurately drawn nudity and agnostic outrage over the religious parallel between Mickey, Christ, and the resurrection. Regardless, this book is a fun and fanciful tale with illustrations that I still evoke fond childhood memories (the dough outfit and plane that Mickey dons and flies still produce feelings of comfort and ease in me when I see them). I wonder how young kids, especially girls, would react to the nudity, but kids tend to be surprisingly open minded, provided they have a grounded upbringing. There is so much else to look at in the illustrations that Mickey's little penis should not prove to be the sole focus of a reader’s attention...and if it is, so what? Are we going to lie to our children and make them think they are the only ones with genitals? If you have a child who has enjoyed Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are this will be a good follow up read.

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